Photo Workshop Adventures celebrates 15 years with a new PWA logo!
Photo Workshop Adventures was created in 2008 on the coast of Croatia in the small seaside city of Sibenik, Croatia. The color orange was chosen because it’s a warm, friendly color that is not masculine or feminine.
Michael Chinnici, the founder of Photo Workshop Adventures, was first inspired by the color in Sibenik. As the city’s official color, it is the color of the Sibenik football club. In fact, on the city’s 950th anniversary, Pope Francis was given the Sibenik hat (šibenska kapa) in orange and black. Michael liked the color so much that he decided it should represent the PWA color when the company started leading photography adventures a few years later. “The color orange was chosen because of its warmth and friendly nature and because it’s neither masculine nor feminine,” says Michael.
“We’ve even taken steps to protect our investment in the color orange. Michael added that the Photo Workshop Adventures name, logo, and the color ORANGE are all trademarked for use in the travel and photo tour business.”
In 2023, we decided to add a more simplified version of the brand for use in Social Media as well as other marketing materials and future promotional items. The simplified PWA logo is perfect in both a square and a circle. It’s often the acronym our guests call our company. Using lowercase letters also helps project a more contemporary look and feel. Alase, the new pwa logo was born. We hope you like it!”
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